Wednesday, September 5, 2007

- METHOD: After the course is over, we cut the cord

Student 1: The school staff made it difficult to contact the teacher after the course is over

Student 2: Were you stalking (laugh)? I meet my old the teachers all the time

Student 1: I feel like they avoided me. Let me explain: The last day of class, I told the teacher I wanted my text book with the answers back ... The office staff said she was not teaching there anymore! I thought she moved. One day, two months later, I went to the front building and found her, she is now teaching regular high school! Yeah...The school assistant didn’t lie, she is not teaching there anymore (at the back building). They just didn't tell me she is teaching in the front building!

Student 2: In my last school, teachers used to have a mail was easy to get in contact with them

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